Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 4/82
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tpr - text processor  


tpr [ options ] file ...  


Tpr formats text according to control lines embedded in the text in the given files or standard input if none is specified. Input consists of intermixed text lines, which contain information to be formatted, and request lines, which contain instructions about how to format it. Request lines begin with a distinguished control character, normally a period. Output lines may be filled as nearly as possible with words without regard to input lineation. Line breaks may be caused at specified places by certain commands, or by the appearance of an empty input line or an input line beginning with a space.

The capabilities of tpr are specified in the attached Request Summary. Numerical values are denoted there by n or +n, titles by t, and single characters by c. Numbers denoted +n may be signed + or -, in which case they signify relative changes to a quantity, otherwise they signify an absolute resetting. Missing n fields are ordinarily taken to be 1, missing t fields to be empty, and c fields to shut off the appropriate special interpretation.

Running titles usually appear at top and bottom of every page. They are set by requests like

.he 'part1'part2'part3'

Part1 is left justified, part2 is centered, and part3 is right justified on the page. Any % sign in a title is replaced by the current page number. Any nonblank may serve as a quote.

The options currently available are:

print directives encountered in input on diagnostic output (debugging only).
divert error messages to ``file''.
open the index file (see .rf directive), default name is ``index''.
number first page N (default 0).
stop after every N pages (default 1) and wait for newline from terminal iff output is to terminal device. There is no initial pause.

In addition, ``-'' in the input file list indicates that standard input is to be opened and read.  


Of course!  


nroff(1), troff(1)  


Many people have worked on the ancestors of tpr, known by names such as runoff, roff, etc. Ken Yap ( University of Sydney ) can only claim credit for rewriting it in C.  


Tpr may produce output too rapidly for people used to slower formatters.

Although tpr is written in C, it will probably be utterly frozen because of the archaic convention of control lines and text lines and paucity of structured directives.


Request  Break  Initial Meaning

.ad       yes    yes     Begin adjusting right margins.

.ar       no     arabic  Arabic page numbers.

.br       yes    -       Causes a line break - the filling of
the current line is stopped.
.bd|n     no     -       Bold the printable characters in the next n lines.

.bl|n     yes    -       Insert of n blank lines, on new page if necessary.

.bp|+n    yes    n=1     Begin new page and number it n; no n means ``+1''.

.cc|c     no     c=.     Control character becomes ``c''.

.ce|n     yes    -       Center the next n input lines,
without filling.
.de|xx    no     -       Define parameterless macro
to be invoked by request ``.xx'' (definition ends on line beginning ``..'').
.ef|t     no     t=      Even foot title becomes t.

.eg       no     arabic  English page numbers.

.eh|t     no     t=      Even head title becomes t.

.fi       yes    yes     Begin filling output lines.

.fo|t     no     t=      All foot titles are t.

.he|t     no     t=      All head titles are t.

.in|+n    yes    -       Indent n spaces from left margin.

.ix +n    no     -       Same as ``.in'' but without break.

.li|n     no     -       Literal, treat next n lines as text.

.ll|+n    no     n=65    Line length including indent is n characters.

.ls|+n    yes    n=1     Line spacing set to n lines per output line.

.m1|n     no     n=3     n-1 blank lines put between the top
of page and head title.
.m2|n     no     n=1     n blank lines put between head title
and beginning of text on page.
.m3|n     no     n=1     n blank lines put between end of
text and foot title.
.m4|n     no     n=3     n-1 blank lines put between the foot title
and the bottom of page.
.na       yes    no      Stop adjusting the right margin.

.ne|n     no     -       Begin new page, if n output lines
cannot fit on present page.
.nf       yes    no      Stop filling output lines.

.of|t     no     t=      Odd foot title becomes t.

.oh|t     no     t=      Odd head title becomes t.

.pl|+n    no     n=66    Total paper length taken to be n lines.

.po|+n    no     n=0     Page offset.
All lines are preceded by n spaces.
.re|+n    no     -       Restore environment n levels back.

.rf|+n    no     n=1     Save the next n following lines in the index file with page number.

.ro       no     arabic  Roman page numbers.

.rp|n     no     n=1     Output n blank pages at the next page break.
Page reservations are cumulative.
.se      yes    -       Save environment.
The ``environment'' consists of all current settings affected by the following directives: .ad, .ar, .bd, .bl, .cc, .ce, .ef, .eh, .fi, .fo, .he, .in, .ix, .li, .ll, .ls, .m1, .m2, .m3, .m4, .na, .ne, .nf, .of, .oh, .pl, .po, .ro, .sk, .sp, .ta, .tc, .ti, .ub, .ul.
.sk|n     no     -       Produce n blank pages starting next page.

.so|file  no     -       Include file ``file''.

.sp|n     yes    -       Insert block of n blank lines,
except at top of page.
.ta|n|n..        9,17,.. Pseudotab settings.
Initial tab settings are columns 9 17 25 ...
.tc|c     no     space   Tab replacement character becomes ``c''.

.ti|+n    yes    -       Temporarily indent next output
line n spaces.
.ub|c     no     ' '     Unpaddable blank is ``c''.

.ul|n     no     -       Underline the letters and numbers
in the next n input lines.




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